Friday, May 3, 2019

Poetry Lecture

One of my favorite lectures was the one were we discussed the poems given to us for homework the previous class. The poem Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone had the biggest influence on me. Discussing this poem in fishbowl aloud me to understand the reasons to as why I gravitated to this poem. The language and words in this poem makes it easy to understand, but still evokes a strong, and meaningful message. The video assigned with this poem made me have a further understanding of this because I was able to hear the tone of the poem.

Themes of the Short Stories Lecture

One of my favorite class lectures was the one where we discussed themes throughout the short stories we read. Creating this list of themes allowed me to think of what I wanted to write paper 2 about. After debating a couple different words, I decided to go with imprisonment. One thing that I found helpful about this lecture is that every time a new word was added to the list, as a class we would discuss how that certain word relates to the stories and examples of the word. This lecture also gave me a list of scholarly words in my notebook, that are now in my vocabulary as well.

Light and Dark Class Lecture

One of my favorite lectures was the light vs. dark fishbowl. When I read A Streetcar Named Desire in high school, the teacher only lightly scratched the surface of the significance of light and dark in the play. In this certain lecture we were asked to make a t-chart comparing what light and dark symbolize. I enjoyed this activity because it allowed others and myself to come up with and share creative words that are symbolized by light and dark. In this lecture we also revealed why light and dark are such important themes to the play. These themes are important to the play because the main character Blanche only wanted to be in the dark. The reason for her being drawn to the darkness was because in the light you can not hid, you are exposed to the outside word as to what you really are. Blanche had the desire to look youthful and innocent, but in reality she is not. This lecture allowed me to have further insight into A Streetcar Named Desire.